Fambri G., Lombardi G., Badami M., Chiaramonti D., 2024, Energy Assessment of a Slow Pyrolysis Plant for Biochar
and Heat Cogeneration
, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 109, 571-576 DOI:10.3303/CET24109096

A recent study presents an energy assessment model for a biomass-based biochar production plant utilizing slow pyrolysis. This technology is notable for its potential to achieve negative carbon emissions. The model evaluates a plant that processes lignocellulosic biomass, factoring in the biomass’s moisture content, drying, pyrolysis temperature, and characteristics.

The analysis shows that about 16% of the chemical energy from the biomass can be recovered as useful heat, a secondary but significant output for sustainability. This heat recovery is essential for assessing the environmental impact and efficiency of biochar production. The model’s detailed approach identifies energy losses at various stages: the biomass dryer, pyrolyser, and burner. It also highlights the significant heat recovery potential during the process.

The study underscores the importance of biochar systems as carbon-negative solutions and their broader benefits, such as soil amendment. By integrating specific experimental data, the model can be adapted to different types of biomass, making it a valuable tool for technical, economic, and environmental assessments. This adaptability allows for a detailed analysis of pyrolysis processes on an industrial scale, enhancing the sustainability of biochar production.

This comprehensive energy model not only helps in understanding energy flows and losses but also in optimizing the biochar production chain, contributing to the global effort to mitigate climate change.

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